Friday, January 20, 2006

Weekend Horoscope...


My horoscope for today......

The gentle winds of change are blowing through your life at the moment, dear Aries. You have a feeling of newness and an open attitude toward the world. Some outside events will be coming up in your life that give you the impression you are advancing in a concrete manner toward a new life. You can expect to have some pleasant surprises.

And the myth behind the constellation:

Zeus' wife, Hera, had a suitor named Ixion who was tricked by Zeus into impregnating a cloud that had the likeness of Hera. The cloud, Nephele, bore a child and Ixion, as punishment for his attempted indiscretion with Zeus' wife, was attached to a flaming wheel and forced to roll around the heavens for eternity. This is an early reference to the line of the ecliptic, the path of the sun as it moves through the sky. The child was the first centaur. Nephele was lonely and eventually fell in love with Athamas, the king of Böeotia and brother of Sisyphus. She had two children, Phrixus and Helle, who Athamus eventually tried to have sacrificed after he fell out of love with their mother. Hera sent a golden ram to their aid. They jumped on its back and were carried out of harm's way, but not necessarily to safety. Helle lost her grip and fell to her death into the part of the sea that became known as the Hellespont. Phrixus landed at Colchis on the Black Sea and sacrificed the ram in honor of Zeus. He took the fleece of the ram and hung it in a sacred wood in his honor as well, leaving as its guard a dragon sometimes represented by the constellation Draco. This fleece became the stuff of which legends were made as it was sought by countless men not unlike the Holy Grail. The golden fleece of the ram was the treasure sought by Jason and his Argonauts.

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