Thursday, September 29, 2005

Jalapeno Peppers

With a frost forecast for Saturday morning, it is time to harvest the remaining jalapeno peppers. I have tried to grow a number of different vegetables in small containers each summer. I even tried zucchini this past summer ( a Lebanese variety called “Magda” for a boyfriend who is no more ) without success. But jalapeno peppers flourished in my pots and have given me dozens of peppers. The key to my success was picking plants that looked like they were started in December so that when I transplanted them they were already in flower.

What to do with all those peppers? Other than fresh salsa, I have two favorite recipes:

“Pickled Peppers" from" William Sonoma’s Mexican Favorites" cookbook and “Frico Nachitos” from Kate Heyhoe’s “Macho Nachos” cookbook.

These last of the season are going to be frozen and used to warm some winter meals.

Used Books

Yesterday this story caught my eye - Study: Used Books Are $2 Billion Industry . The internet has opened up a whole new world for my used book habit. I have found great deals via Amazon and am now checking out Alibris.

What fun it is to poke around in a used book store. Starting in college as an Art History major, I loved the hunt and coming up with "gems". My first true continuing search was for books illustrated by Fritz Eichenburg. His wood engraving skills astounded me when I studied him in a print-making course. I have managed to aquire a shelf full of books and a print.

The Red Sox.....sigh

I am a Red Sox fan.

I love to listen to the games on the radio as I finish up the evening dishes. I remeber my ex's father watching games with the sound down and a radio pinned to his ear. This past summer I really understood why. The commentators at WEEI are the best. I adore their wit and wisdom. They bring the game alive every minute that they are on air. There are few commercials - mostly play by play descriptions, updates on other games and the occasional subjective comment. Radio is a wonderful medium. Thanks guys!

That said, I will be lucky if I have any nails left by the end of this season. With one game left against Toronto and three games to be played against New York we all sit holding our collective breath.......

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

One more thing....

I like to do a small (6-10 miles) bike ride after work. I like photography and I like capturing shadows / reflections. This one is mine.....

Day One....

As a 50-something, single mom in Maine I have decided to start an on-line collection of items of interest and musings. I have sons with web pages on LiveJournal and MySpace. However, my own thoughts have only been set on paper with pencil up until this point in time. There will be a slow start as part of the learning curve. In time, I hope to use this portal with as much ease as my own leather journal.

What Now? is a transition piece that will give me an opportunity for self expression that has only been shared with close friends up to this point in time. This should be fun.......